that's just awesome as hell boy
that's just awesome as hell boy
The animation is lovely first of all. Every frame is hand drawn and beautiful and I love how it's composited with the lighting. Just great work through and through. Like I don't even have words it just made my eyes cream for 20 minutes straight.
The story was okay. Nothing really changes in the characters by the end. I mean, Clay teaches the mouse fellow to stand up for himself by lashing out in a dickish fashion. But that didn't feel great to me.
The girl Clay sat across from could've had more significance. Like maybe he's beating himself up for screwing up talking to her, then he comes back when he's inebriated and she's amused a bit and then he can be like "oh my god I hate people but I might've made a friend???" and then he gets to leave the club a little uplifted. But he's not certain that they're friends and that's something you could develop in a future episode.
And then maybe the mouse guy follows the girls being their coat rack and is disturbed by the horrors of the popular kids being dicks or something and leaves a bit put off (maybe you can work in the pushover thing too)
And then you end the episode with Clay having enjoyed his experience and the mouse guy not and it's like a little y'know subversive thing and the characters have changed a bit through their experiences.
So yeah that's my Catching Up fanfiction.
Great work fellas! Keep that punk spirit alive!
Real recognize real.
Real recognizes real.
All horrible and unwatchable until the parody came in. I love Mario!
bruuutal (DAAAAMN - owlbag)
too spanish (sarcas)
fun, keep doing yr practicing and you'll be a winner someday
Golly, Hank J. Wimbleton, thanks for this excellent informative piece. I have been a strong anti-vaxxer for over ten years. While I lost 10 of my children to my escapades, I was very stubborn and thought what I was doing was right. Little did I know, there's a global pandemic and instead of bludgeoning minimum wage grocery store employees with my cane I can just go get a little shot in me arm to go buy salt potatoes without a mask. I would've never known this unless you and your little "MADNESS" friends didn't tell me what's what! Hopefully society can heal soon thanks to your persuasive genius. Seasons greetings!
As long as you make safe choices, the world will be a better place
i'm looking for a boy with amazing elves who can sucj the bark off a dog
Joined on 5/4/18