Woohoo! It's me sücco! I love you!
Ahem anyways... in an attempt to curb my lack of making things, I have created a blog! That's right, get out your RSS feeds folks. I will be posting about my current game projects, past projects that were never finished, and whatever else I wanna blab about for a few hundred words. You can even search Wikipedia right from the blog, how convenient! I think having a consistent form of output will keep me motivated to work on stuff, and keep me out of months longs slumps of not putting anything out.
This morning a post went up about my work on Stimbu 2 and why it went nowhere. There's plenty of pictures and videos, and maybe even some printable activity sheets waiting at the end! I will be (trying) to update the blog every Tuesday and Friday at 9am EST. You can check it out here:
~ https://succojones.blogspot.com/ ~
Thanks for reading, but now I gotta get back to making A VIDEOS GAME! BYE.